Our fees - the bee sting!
Buzz in and have a free baby ballet trial at any of Buzzie's ballet classes! We try to encourage all our little bees to come in on their own - but at first they maybe nervous! So don't worry, we are happy for you to jump in too and skip, hop and bop with us all!
A free trial for babies is sometimes just not enough, it can take a few sessions for your little one to adapt and settle in. So why not give them theses 3 classes to help them find their tippy toe feet!
The 3 classes must be 3 consecutive sessions - paid on the first class - with no onward obligation
After your free trial and Introductory Course, you will be whizzed permanently into the hive!
Classes are £6 per session for 30 minutes and billed termly
Each term is based on 10-12 weeks